(t) "No me gusta la Cheltenham"
Artes Visuales

(t) "No me gusta la Cheltenham"

(Vince Chiaramonte, director de arte norteamericano del The Buffalo News
What is the type: 1) You frecuently use? (Why?)
1. Miller. I love it's broad range of weights, small caps and italics. Since
we are an all serif paper I need a typeface with tremendous range and Miller
provides me with that.
2) You prefer? (Why?)
2. Miller Display. It's a designer's best friend. It can look bold or
3) You hate? (Why?)
3. I don't have any fonts at The News that I dislike. But I've seen quite a
few at other papers that don't seem designer-friendly. Times and Cheltenham,
just to name a few.

- (t) "we Use Our Own Version Of Myriad And Minion For Display Type And Imperial For Body Type"
(Tim Frank, del diario norteamericano South Florida Sun-Sentinel y de News Page Designer) What is the type... 1) You frequently use? (Why?) We use our own version of Myriad and Minion for display type and Imperial for body type. These are the fonts...

- (t) "i Really Enjoy Agenda"
(Trent Koland, del diario norteamericano The Times) What is the type... 1) You frecuently use? (Why?) The font I use most of would be Interstate. It's the Times' sans serif font and thus finds itself working into most of my pages. It's a...

- (t) "me Irrita La Fb Interstate"
(Miguel Buckenmeyer, consultor español) 1. En cuanto a las serif, he usado frecuentemente la FB Miller Display Light y la HFJ Mercury. Para los las san serif, he usado frequentemente la HFJ Knockout, la FB Benton Sans o la FB Poynter Gothic. Soy un...

- (t) "we Use Bauer Bodoni"
(Daniel Marsula, director de arte del diario norteamericano Pittsburgh Post-Gazette) Here at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette we use two Font families. The first font is a San-serif, ITC Franklin Gothic, (Book, Demi and Heavy. Which varies from regular, condensed,...

- (t) "mi Odio Por La Brushscript No Necesita Justificación"
(Sergio Pecanha, director de infografía del The Dallas Morning News) Qué tipografía: 1) Usas frecuentemente? (Por qué?) 1) Gotham y Miller. Son los tipos del DMN. Miller esta OK, Gotham es basura. 2) Prefieres? (Por qué?) 2) Helvética. No importan...

Artes Visuales
