Exclusivo: Hablamos con Albert Exergian
Artes Visuales

Exclusivo: Hablamos con Albert Exergian

Después de conocer los posters de películas del brasileño Pedro Vidotto, y de haber charlado con él, te vamos a presentar, a continuación, a otro ilustrador que también trabaja conceptos muy claros a la hora de hacer un afiche. Es que el trabajo de Vidotto ha sido comparado, varias veces, en lo conceptual, con la obra del austriaco Albert Exergian. Sus posters de series de televisión y sus palabras es lo que sigue.
1. How did you come to these posters on TV series?
i wanted to do a project enterly for myself, without clients or any kind of
briefing. the main goal was to keep it minimalistic and simple, but still
with an inside joke between me an the viewer
2. For example, how was the creative process in the case of The Simpsons?
a better example would be the dexter poster, which also was the first poster
i designed for the tv show posterseries. pick your favorite tv show, then
think of something that always stays the same in that show -> draw an icon
for it, make aa poster.
3. Did you do sketches with pencil and paper, or are all the designs created

no pencils or pieces of paper where harmed during the designprocess for the
posters. all designs a vector-based.
4. How much time does it take you to design one poster?

that depends on the individual design. it might sound strange, but the idea
for the macgyver paper-clip turned much faster into a poster, then the one
for californication.
5. Are you currently working on something similar to the tv posterseries?

i am currently working on projects for various clients. but somewhere in
between, i will find the time to start a new posterseries.

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Artes Visuales
