Exclusivo: Haciendo manualidades con The Wall Street Journal
Artes Visuales

Exclusivo: Haciendo manualidades con The Wall Street Journal

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El creador es David Habben II y vive en Salt Lake City, Utah. Después de recibirse como Bachelor of Fine Arts in Illustration en el Brigham Young University, Habben sigue buscando nuevas formas para ilustrar y hoy nos sorprende con una campaña publicitaria para el periódico The Wall Street Journal.

1. How he came to work with sheets of The Wall Street Journal?

The idea was to use the newspaper to create familiar icons for use in
the Wall Street Journal's advertisements. We wanted to show how the
newspaper was interwoven into every aspect of the readers life and how
they would benefit from reading it.

2. How was the working process of each piece?
I created silhouettes using Adobe Illustrator. Then, using scanned
pages of the newspaper, I created the final images using Adobe
Imagen 6

3. How long it took to complete each?

Each image took approximately one day.

4. What do you think is best achieved and why?
I like the bee the most. Its the most intricate and the wings were a
great place to use the various headlines of the paper.
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5. What was the most complex to build and why?

The eye was the most challenging in the set. Creating the iris using
multiple scans was a challenge, but it was the most rewarding in the
Si querés ver más, entrá en Chillart, el blog de arte de Visualmente.

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