Exclusivo: No quieres diseñar la portada de la revista inglesa Wallpaper?
Artes Visuales

Exclusivo: No quieres diseñar la portada de la revista inglesa Wallpaper?

(Una de las 20.000 portadasque se subieron al sitio)
EXCLUSIVO Te contamos que a través de un desarrollo del estudio londinense Kin Design, el lector de la revista Wallpaper*, podía acceder a una paleta especial de recursos visuales creados por artistas del momento, para diseñar la portada de su último número. Así James Joyce, Nigel Robinson, Hort, Anthony Burrill y Kam Tang habían contribuido con una selección de imágenes y patterns disponibles en el sitio de la publicación. Ahora, en un reportaje exclusivo de Visualmente, Matt Wade, cofundador de Kin Design, nos hablará de ésta experiencia revolucionaria.
1. How was born the project for readers arming the cover of Wallpaper?
It started as an idea that Meirion Pritchard had. He asked me to come in and meet him to talk about whether it was possible to create a way of each reader creating their own cover for Wallpaper*.
Imagen 27
(Meirion Pritchard, a la izquierda, y Matt Wade, en la imprenta)
2. Covers many were received on the site?
I'm not sure about the final numbers, but we ended up creating over 20,000 unique covers.

3. What was the criterion for what would be printed?
Meirion also commissioned 5 artists to make a series of assets. We then had to design and program interesting ways for people to use them. We were happy for people to subvert our original intentions, and find new creative approaches to their compositions. In fact, this was one of the most interesting aspects for me... in terms of all the unexpected uses. As a mass creativity project I'm really pleased with the outcome.
(Una trama hecha con el filtro Pixelate, Color Halftone, fue uno de los más elegidos por los lectores)
4. Covers were created offensive?
Hardly any, maybe 5. I find people will often manage themselves, and when someone is paying for it, they don't want to risk it not getting through the system.

5. What assessment can we make of the experience?

I think it's up to other people to tell us if they think it was a good experience. Personally, I am really proud of what we did.

6. They think to repeat the experience?

Yes, absolutely!

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